All files / src/internal/shared warnings.js

86.36% Statements 19/22
33.33% Branches 1/3
100% Functions 1/1
85.71% Lines 18/21

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/* This file is generated by scripts/process-messages/index.js. Do not edit! */
import { DEV } from 'esm-env';
var bold = 'font-weight: bold';
var normal = 'font-weight: normal';
 * `<svelte:element this="%tag%">` is a void element — it cannot have content
 * @param {boolean} trace
 * @param {string} tag
export function dynamic_void_element_content(trace, tag) {
	if (DEV) {
		console.warn(`%c[svelte] ${"dynamic_void_element_content"}\n%c${`\`<svelte:element this="${tag}">\` is a void element  it cannot have content`}`, bold, normal);
		if (trace) console.trace('stack trace');
	} else {
		// TODO print a link to the documentation